The year 2025 brings an array of celestial wonders, starting with the Quadrantid Meteor Shower today, January 3, peaking between January 3-4. Watch fireballs light up the sky, especially around 11:15 PM IST.
Planetary Parade, a rare event, will align six planets on January 21 and expand to seven on March 8. Don’t miss this celestial lineup at 8:30 PM IST.
This year also features four eclipses, including a full lunar eclipse visible in India on September 7-8. Supermoons in October, November, and December will shine brighter and larger, captivating viewers worldwide.
Mark your calendars for the Lyrid Meteor Shower in April and the Perseids in August, promising a breathtaking spectacle of shooting stars.
Stay tuned for these cosmic events and experience the universe’s magic firsthand!
#CelestialEvents2025 #MeteorShowers #PlanetaryParade #Eclipses #Stargazing