Keerthy Suresh, the renowned actress in Tamil, Telugu, and Bollywood cinema, recently responded with humor to a playful incident with paparazzi outside a Mumbai restaurant. While they mistakenly called her ‘Kriti’ instead of ‘Keerthy’, she corrected them with a smile, saying, “Kriti nahi Keerthy.” The situation took a fun turn when one photographer referred to her as ‘Dosa,’ a popular South Indian dish, to which Keerthy replied, “Keerthy dosa nahi, Keerthy Suresh. Aur dosa mujhe pasand hai.” This witty exchange, which captured Keerthy’s charm, was widely shared. Despite the mixed reviews for Baby John, Keerthy’s debut in Bollywood has been praised for her expressive performance. She recently married Antony, a businessman with ventures in Dubai and Kerala, on December 12, 2024. 💫🍽️
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