Kushi Gowda, daughter of actress Pavithra Gowda, shared a heartfelt note defending her mother amidst the backlash following the Renuka Swamy case. Released on bail, Pavithra and her daughter have faced online trolling, prompting Kushi to express her anguish over the negativity.
In her message, Kushi described her mother as a symbol of love, resilience, and sacrifice. “My mother is my world, my strength, and my inspiration,” she wrote, highlighting Pavithra’s dedication to family and the silent battles she has fought.
Kushi’s plea aimed to dispel misinformation and challenge unfair judgments about her mother. She called for empathy, urging people to think before passing hurtful comments, noting the emotional toll public scrutiny has on families.
Her post resonates as a powerful reminder of the impact of words and the need for compassionate discourse, shedding light on the personal struggles behind public controversies.
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