BJP MP Tejasvi Surya, representing Bengaluru South, is set to marry Sivasri Skandaprasad, a renowned Carnatic vocalist and Bharatanatyam dancer, on March 5 and 6 in Bengaluru. The wedding, confirmed by close sources, will be an intimate ceremony with family and friends.
Sivasri is an accomplished artist with expertise in Carnatic music and Bharatanatyam. She holds advanced degrees in Bioengineering, Bharatanatyam, and Sanskrit. Known for her devotion to art and culture, she gained national recognition with her soulful rendition of “Poojisalende Hoovugal Tande” at the Ayodhya Ram Mandir inauguration, which even drew praise from Prime Minister Modi.
The marriage was finalized two months ago with the blessings of both families.
Sivasri is also a marathon enthusiast with a growing YouTube audience of over 200,000 followers.
Stay tuned for updates as the wedding approaches!
#TejasviSurya #SivasriSkandaprasad #CarnaticMusic #Bharatanatyam #IndianPolitics #CelebrityWedding #CulturalIcons #SouthIndia