The deeply emotional family drama Vanvaas is set to arrive on OTT soon after its theatrical run. Directed by Anil Sharma, the movie portrays the journey of Deepak Tyagi, an elderly man with dementia abandoned by his sons on his birthday.
Starring Nana Patekar and Utkarsh Sharma, the film explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the complexities of familial relationships. Critics have lauded Patekar’s portrayal as “deeply impactful” and relatable to audiences worldwide.
While the official OTT release date hasn’t been confirmed, Vanvaas is expected to stream on Zee5 within the next two months. Stay tuned for updates!
#Vanvaas #NanaPatekar #FamilyDrama #OTTRelease #EmotionalDrama #AnilSharma #ZeeStudios #IndianCinema #HeartwarmingStories