Priyanka Chopra is set to star in an upcoming Disney+ holiday movie alongside her husband, Nick Jonas, and his brothers, Joe, Kevin, and Frankie Jonas. Filming began on January 13 in Toronto, capturing a magical winter backdrop.
Nick Jonas expressed admiration for Priyanka, calling her “world-class” during an interview about their collaboration. The film promises a festive cheer with a star-studded cast, including Chloe Bennet from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Priyanka, embracing her role, brought elegance to the set, donning stylish outfits that radiated holiday vibes. Fans are eagerly awaiting the magic this power couple will bring to the screen during the 2025 festive season.
#WorldClass #PriyankaChopra #NickJonas #DisneyPlus #HolidayMovie #JonasBrothers #FestiveVibes #BollywoodToHollywood